
50 Sfumature di Rosa

Ufficio Kina

Il rosa, un colore che ha sempre oscillato tra l'essere delicato e audace, sta vivendo una rinascita nel mondo dell'interior design. Non più relegato alle...

Wall Mural: elegance inspired by nature

Ufficio Kina

Diving into nature has never been so easy thanks to the new trends in the world of wallpaper. Stylized leaves, tropical plants, and delicate textures...

10 wallpaper ideas for dream homes

Kirill Rya

The Wall Mural is a versatile solution for decorating every corner of the house with style and creativity, offering options that fit all environments, from...

Fiberglass for your walls

Wallpaper Dream

Many people associate the word "glass" with the concept of fragility. In reality, when glass is treated through fusion at a temperature of 1400 degrees,...

I'm the Wall Mural , I'm back!

Martina Troisi

It was the Eighties and the house was enhanced by wallpapering the walls with wallpapers with themes much sought after by vintage lovers. Then the...