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Mainenti Pastry Shop Verona

A new scenario for the Pasticceria Mainenti: a scenographic ceiling and floral walls

DATE: February 2024

The historic Pasticceria Mainenti in Verona wanted to give a new life to its restaurant, creating a unique and memorable environment for its customers. The goal was to completely transform the space, covering the walls and ceiling with breathtaking graphics that would leave everyone speechless. A tailor-made project for an immersive experience.

To realize this ambitious project, the team at WallpaperDream worked closely with the owners of the pastry shop, thoroughly understanding their needs and their dream. The challenge was to create a custom design that was harmonious with the brand colors and did not appear, overall, too repetitive.

The final result has exceeded all expectations, the Pasticceria Mainenti now boasts a unique and evocative environment, where every corner tells a story and invites you to be enchanted by the flavors of the Veronese pastry tradition.


"I recently had the pleasure of using the services offered by wallpaperdream to print the wallpaper for my pastry shop and I must say that I was extremely satisfied with the whole experience. [...]

The quality of the final product is absolutely exceptional. The wallpaper print delivered exactly the image I had in mind, with vibrant colors and sharp details. [...]

Although my expectations were already high, I was surprised by how quickly my order was processed and shipped. I received my wallpaper well packaged and in perfect condition within the estimated time, which made the whole process even more pleasant.

Finally, I would like to highlight the excellent customer support provided by the wallpaperdream team. They were extremely helpful and ready to answer all my questions in a courteous and professional manner. "
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